Nanovor Wiki
Hyper Ripper 1


Hyper Ripper 1.0 victory animation.

Hyper Ripper 1.0 is an alpha Nanovor in Wave 2 that is the base of the Hyper tree.

Hyper Ripper is a standard attacking Magnamod introduced in Wave 2, which supports it's swarm through overrides it can place.

Hyper Ripper 1.0 can support it's team in a similar way that Electropod 1.0 can, but Hyper Ripper brings more damage for another EN to the table; as well as 5 more HP for the cost of 180 SV.

Below is a table for comparison.

Electropod 1.0 100 120 5 10 175
Hyper Ripper 1.0 105 110 5 15 180

As you can see, their stats vary, but Hyper Ripper's HP and SPD advantage make him cost 5 SV more.


  • All right, I’ll admit: I’m a bit of a fantasy nerd, (what can I say? The boys rubbed off on me!) which means I of course fulfill the stereotype of loving everything about The Lord of the Rings. So a couple of years ago when I first watched those movies, I decided that if I lived in Middle Earth, I would definitely be a dwarf. They’re just the coolest. That’s probably why Hyper Ripper 1.0 is one of my favorite Nanovor. It’s just so dwarf-like! First of all, it pops up out of the ground like it’s been down there mining some sort of Nano-gold, AND it’s got such a dwarf personality! It gets impatient to fight, always shaking back and forth with anticipation. Plus it’s got this ability to speed up while running in place, but looks kinda slow. If there’s one thing I could say about the Hyper Rippers, it’s that they’re very dangerous over short distances.



  • Hyper Ripper 1.0 is one of those Nanovor that’s great for setting up your swarm. You can’t build Energy up so with its attacks, so use him to help your swarm, by placing a Red Spike (which does increase the team Energy). Or use Fireplow to do some decent damage for a base guy. If you want Hyper Ripper 1.0 to defend your swarm bring him in with 3 Energy and let him place Hardshell for the Armor boost. Hyper Ripper 1.0 is a swarm compler – he’s got team defense, good damage, and a spike ready attack – so add him to any swarm and it instantly gets better.


  • Delete its Override! Hyper Ripper 1.0 likes to set up attacks for its swarm, constantly playing down Red Spikes and putting your Nanovor in danger. Whenever you see Hyper Ripper play down a Spike, swap in your Giga Wing 1.0 and attack with Obliterate. Now Hyper Ripper will have to stay in longer to play another spike, and will suffer some damage in the mean time.
  • Use the Spike! If Hyper Ripper’s gonna keep playing down Spikes, then so can you! Start off with your Psi Blaster 1.0 and play down a Red Spike. Then, swap in your Electropod 2.0 for a Powerball! Finish Hyper Ripper off with a speedy Hexite who won’t take a hit, like Spike Spine 1.0.
  • Ignore its Armor! Hyper Ripper may keep buffing itself up, but it can add all the armor in the world, because Cyber Slicer 1.0 won’t even care! Start off with your Thunderpoid 1.0 and Swat for some quick damage. Then, swap in your Cyber Slicer 1.0 and attack with Crunch for 2 rounds for some definite damage.


  • Math is HORRIBLE, English is all right, and Art is cool, but my favorite class by far is Woodshop. I love to make all sorts of awesome things like birdhouses and jewelry boxes… okay fine, I love the power tools. Of course, I’m not the only one. The other day when I was using a power drill to make some holes in this plank, I noticed the drill vibrating strangely. Luckily, I managed to secretly hook my Nanoscope up to the power tool, and I got to see a tiny Hyper Ripper 1.0 peering up at me! Apparently it had been living in the power drill, and decided that it would tunnel its way out! When I looked at it, it quivered in fear and dove right back in to the circuitry that had been its home for so many years; the outside world is no place for Nanovor! It was such a cool little guy and it had such big teeth that I decided to call it Hyper Ripper. I mean you’ve got to be able to rip and tear or something to crack through METAL.

-Dated Entry: Drew, 26 days, 6 hours


  • Hyper Ripper is a fascinating creature. Never before have I heard of a Nanovor desirous of tunneling its way out of its home. Perhaps Hyper Ripper 1.0 is a different sort of Nanovor—a curious one, eager to discover something new. Yet according to Drew, it was not inclined to stay in the open air, so more likely is the theory that it’s merely mimicking its previous role in the time of the Nanovor. Based on this theory, I imagine that Hyper Ripper 1.0 utilized the element of surprise in battle. It’s certainly not a stealthy creature, but its tunneling capabilities would have been an excellent tool in war. Hyper Rippers must have dug all the way over to enemy lines, and popped up from underground, thrashing their way to a well-deserved victory.

-Dated Entry: Dr. Zap, 4 days, 6 hours

Possible evolutions include:
